Artists and cultural organizers create vital connections within our communities. But it can be difficult to find funding to create, collaborate, and make an impact. Grit Fund makes arts funding accessible for everyone. We focus on projects that bring artists and community members together to explore a sense of place and shared space.
Grit Fund supports projects that add to the vibrancy and development of Baltimore’s arts and culture community. Grit Fund awards money to collaborative, artist-led projects, that have a public facing element—up to $10,000.
Grit Fund support all kinds of visual-arts-based projects at any stage of development. Innovative ideas are welcome. These are the types of projects we’ve supported in the past:
• Exhibitions
• Publications
• Public events
• Public art installations
• Film screenings
• Festivals
• Founding a new arts venue or collective
• The ongoing work of an existing arts venue or collective
Before Submitting Your Proposal Please:
• Read the mission and core values of the Grit Fund
• Review past projects to see examples of what’s been funded